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Messages - Bob_Meteors

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WBA Times / Offseason Update: Meteors looking towards free agency
« on: September 23, 2017, 03:15:39 PM »
MELBOURNE, Australia: The Melbourne Meteors have reportedly been told by Andy Stone's agent that he will not be negotiating a contract. Melbourne is now giving up on their attempts to re-sign him, and will instead be looking to the free agency pool to replace him.

The most obvious free agent candidate is, of course, Andy Stone himself. While this may seem like a long shot, Stone has reportedly expressed interest in playing in Melbourne, he just "wants to see who wants me more". If Stone doesn't work out, the Meteors reportedly don't like any of the other available candidates, including Kipchoge Kemboi, largely regarded as the best available pitcher.

Melbourne might not even sign anyone. As the Times has covered, they have a good staff behind Kvana Datar and Abdeljilil Abedi. Perhaps another trade is in the works? We'll have to wait and see.

Constitutional Amendments / Re: Opt-Out Rule
« on: September 22, 2017, 02:04:10 PM »
Um, that all sounds good to me. I think that is the correct timing.

Constitutional Amendments / Re: Opt-Out Rule
« on: September 22, 2017, 10:19:19 AM »
Haha yeah. I will co-sponsor that amendment...

General WBA Discussion / Re: Andy Stone to sign with Paris?
« on: September 22, 2017, 09:31:57 AM »
Wonder if he's gonna sell the apartment he bought in Melbourne. I mean, he might get signed by us...

Constitutional Amendments / Opt-Out Rule
« on: September 22, 2017, 07:26:00 AM »
Hi everyone. Now, some recent events (nobody knows what I'm talking about right?   ;) ) have made it clear to me that we need a rule regarding sign-and-trade players. I think it should be something like:

If a player is traded after the playoffs start, but before the start of free agency, and this player has an opt-out or player option in the current season (so it could be exercised in one to two weeks), then the trade is put on hold until the opt-out/option is decided. Then the teams involved in the trade are allowed to review it and make the decision to confirm or not.

WBA Times / Breaking News: Meteors might not re-sign Stone
« on: September 21, 2017, 09:31:18 PM »
BREAKING: The Melbourne Meteors, just days after trading for star pitcher Andy Stone, reportedly might not re-sign him. Stone is scheduled to hit free agency in a few weeks, and the assumption was that he would be signed to an extension. But reports are saying that Stone is refusing to even come to the table and negotiate, saying that he wants to test free agency. If this is true, the blockbuster deal with Mumbai might have been a colossal mistake.

Stone is just 30 years old. He went 10-3 with a 3.34 ERA last year. Reportedly, he was supposed to be the Meteor's ace heading into their championship run. This news, obtained by the WBA Times from an anonymous source close to Stone's agent, is reportedly throwing the Meteor's front office into a huge spin as the Meteors frantically try to bring Stone to the table.

EDIT: reporters have been told that Stone was negotiating an extension with the Cobras. What does this mean, and what- if anything- can the Meteors do about it? Stay tuned to Times Online for up-to-the-minute breaking news.

EDIT: According to sources, the league is saying that there's nothing they can do. Reportedly, Melbourne is planning to offer him a huge contract, and trade for cash. Stay tuned to Times Online.

Trade Blocks and Discussions / Re: Melbourne Offseason Block
« on: September 20, 2017, 10:01:47 AM »
I know... it changes so fast.

Trade Blocks and Discussions / Melbourne Offseason Block
« on: September 19, 2017, 09:23:06 PM »
Ok, selling/buying time. Come get your SPs here: Maxa, Salehe, bin Kamil could all be available as well as many, many good relievers. Not moving Pérez or Ainran, but anyone else is OTB. Ideally, I would package Salehe, bin Kamil, and someone like Sergio Castillo for a star SP or 2B. More looking to send to ABL teams, but as Mumbai and I proved, I will do a deal with anyone. Please PM me if you have a great 2B.

Season and Off-Season Threads / Re: 2109-10 Offseason Thread
« on: September 19, 2017, 08:51:03 PM »
Cool. Can't wait for spring training. Have to see what kind of team I'm actually dealing with here.

MELBOURNE, Australia: We have had almost 24 hours to digest the blockbuster deal that finalized last night between Mumbai and Melbourne. Analysts at the WBA Times have concluded that this deal leaves Melbourne as an instant contender without giving up too much. It was also an excellent deal for Mumbai, but more on that later. For now, it seems clear that the Meteors have a few big questions to answer.

Pitching: Melbourne's pitching is now stacked, that seems clear. What is much less clear is where everyone is going to play. It seems like returning ace Kvana Datar and new pickups Abdeljilil Abedi and Andy Stone will have the top 3 rotation spots. Nobody knows what the order will be, but that question will have to wait. For now, Melbourne has to decide who will get the 4th and 5th spots in the rotation. A week ago, it seemed certain that Janardan Shreerang, who the Meteors just obtained from Santo Domingo, would have a spot in their rotation. However, sources are saying that the team might choose to play Shreerang in a relief role instead. Melbourne also has three other pitchers returning from last year. Yami Salehe, Imre Maxa, and Nasih bin Kamil all have a claim to a rotation spot. Confounding the issue even more, sources say that Melbourne's pitching coach is pushing hard for Bob Pérez to be given a chance to start after playing in the bullpen most of the last season. Those who do not start will probably take their place in an excellent bullpen. Trade rumors continue to abound about Magtanggol Baladad, but so far, he is still on the team as their closer. Imazighen Kitur, of course, was just traded to Mumbai, but the Meteors recently picked up closer Jesús Mercado from Santo Domingo. Melbourne's bullpen also features 4 other players who weren't on the team last Opening Day: Sergio Castillo, Himayati Ramkumar, Manny Juarez, and Bereket Ainran.

Outfield: Melbourne's outfield is also very puzzling. It looks pretty clear that Botol Gamarra will be starting in left field. The rest of the outfield will be Stéphane Salomon in center and Gong Jiang in left, if things stay the way they are currently. However, extension talks with Jiang, who is set to be a free agent in a few weeks, are reportedly going very poorly. Salomon's name has also come up a few times in rumored trade discussions. Melbourne certainly has no shortage of replacements, but who will they choose? Ze-min Tsao, who has been at triple A all season due to a lack of room? Percy Oskam, who hit just .173 at triple A, but remained on their playoff roster? Or Tiago Celestino, who the Meteors recently obtained in the Stone/Dwijen deal? And what happens if Salomon and Jiang stay? Melbourne might need until Opening Day to decide the answers.

What Next: Will Melbourne make any more big trades? Analysts have noticed that they still have an overabundance of OF talent, and seem to have some spare starters. Trade talks with other teams reportedly stalled after the blockbuster was announced, but there is plenty of time for a deal before the regular season begins.

Jill Impact
Jill Impact covers the IBL for the Melbourne Gazette. She graciously agreed to let the WBA Times print her article.

WBA Times / Re: Offseason Update: Meteors pull off two questionable trades
« on: September 19, 2017, 05:22:01 AM »
I would, but I'm lazy too.

MUMBAI, India: They say you should never do deals with your divisional rivals. The Melbourne Meteors and Mumbai Cobras just threw that advice out the window, closing on a six-player blockbuster. Melbourne sent fan favorite right fielder Bhuvancandra Dwijen and setup reliever Irmazighen Kitur to the Cobras, as well as a fifth-round pick in next year's draft. In return, they received the one thing everyone has been saying they needed: starting pitching. Mumbai shipped SPs Andy Stone and Abdeljilil Abedi to Melbourne, as well as a seeming replacement OF, Tiago Celestino, and outfield prospect Hiroya Ichikawa.

This deal will take a while to sort out, but while the dust is still settling, here's what's clear. First: This trade absolutely had to be made for Melbourne. They needed starting pitching, and boy did they get it. But the question will be, was the price too high? Dwijen was clearly the best outfielder in a loaded outfield, but Melbourne seems to have enough talent to cover it. Melbourne's outfield is actually in some doubt, though. Botol Gamarra seems to have a starting job secured, but there are rumors that Melbourne is trying to trade Stéfane Salomon. Extension talks have also reportedly stalled with Gong Jiang. Celestino will certainly have at least a backup role, but the jobs of him, Salomon, Jiang, Percy Oskam, and Ze-min Tsao seem to be up in the air.

Melbourne's pitching now looks quite formidable. Their rotation features Stone, Abedi, returning ace Kvana Datar, and new SP Janardan Shreerang, who literally stepped off a plane from Santo Domingo less than a week ago. Their bullpen will suffer a little bit from the loss of Kitur, but they seem to have more than enough to cover it. Reported trade talks for closer Magtanggol Baladad have not emerged, so, for now, he looks like the closer. Melbourne also has Bereket Ainran, Sergio Castillo, Himayati Ramkumar, Manny Juárez, and Bob Pérez. Of those 5, only Pérez was on their Opening Day roster last year.

It seemed sort of inexplicable why Melbourne had been trading for so many relievers recently, but it now seems like they had planned to trade Kitur all along. Their future seems up in the air now, but it seems like they now have the potential to challenge the Rome Generals for the IBL crown. Of course, it's also possible that Dwijen hits 4 home runs in the divisional series and Melbourne is knocked out early. But as the dust settles around Melbourne, we know that we can look forward to an entertaining playoffs.

Meteoric Bob

Meteoric Bob is sort of shocked right now. He is pinching himself to make sure this really happened.

Completed Trades / Re: Mumbai-Melbourne
« on: September 18, 2017, 08:26:51 PM »
Mumbai sends Abdeljilill Abedi, Andy Stone, Tiago Celestino, and Hiroya Ichikawa

Melbourne sends Bhuvanacandra Dwijen, Imazighen Kitur, and a 2110 (next draft, not the ongoing one) 5th round pick.
Confirmed. Said I needed SPs, and I sure got them. Think this is gonna cost me though.

Ooh intrigue. Would love to see a good Canadian team. As the owner of Montreal and Rimouski in two other leagues, have to say I am rooting for Quebec or Montreal.

Completed Trades / Santo Domingo/ Melbourne
« on: September 18, 2017, 02:14:54 PM »
SD sends CL Jesus Mercado (ML)
MEL sends 2109 2nd and 5th round picks

Trade Blocks and Discussions / Re: Melbourne Trade Block
« on: September 17, 2017, 08:23:42 PM »
Bump. Baladad now available, come and get him!

WBA Times / Offseason Update: Meteors pull off two questionable trades
« on: September 17, 2017, 08:16:14 PM »
SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic: The Melbourne Meteors announced two trades today, sending them pitchers for prospects. They received reliever Manny Juarez from Singapore in exchange for shortstop prospect Christovan Serradas. Analysts were hesitant on this trade. The World Baseball Network was very critical, calling the trade a "mistake". One analyst, speaking to the WBA Times, said "This deal doesn't make a whole lot of sense. The Meteors need a starter, not another reliever."

On the heels of this deal, the Meteors announced that they had sent center field prospect Heinrich Friedjung to the Santo Domingo Palmchats in exchange for pitcher Janardan Shreerang. This trade was well received by the media. The anonymous analyst said "I like this deal for both teams. Friedjung could be really good someday but Melbourne already has enough outfielders. Shreerang gives their rotation some much-needed depth."

Talks with other teams have reportedly broken down. According to sources, GM Bob Weinberg "remains hopeful to get a deal done but is resigned to the possibility that no more deals will happen."

Completed Trades / Re: Santo Domingo/Melbourne
« on: September 16, 2017, 06:06:50 AM »
Santo Domingo sends

Janardan Shreerang

to Melbourne FOR

Heinrich Friedjung
Confirmed. Feel like I'm gonna regret this though.

Trade Blocks and Discussions / Melbourne Trade Block
« on: September 15, 2017, 08:12:58 PM »
Highlights include CF Heinrich Friedjung, RF Su-shun Chin, 1B Haidar Yousafzai, and RF Wei-quo Lee.
Also outfielders. I have Gong Jiang (still time to sign him before free agency), Ze-min Tsao, Botol Gamarra, and Stéfane Salomon. Even Bhuvanacandra Dwijen could be moved for the right price.
Edit: Magtanggol Baladad is now on the block. Just re-signed him to a good deal. I could trade him for a SP or two.


I wouldn't say I am desperate but I am. And everyone knows that desperate people will overpay, right?

WBA Times / Offseason Update: Meteors scrambling after Rainha trade
« on: September 15, 2017, 08:08:03 PM »
MELBOURNE, Australia: Sources are telling the WBA Times that the Melbourne Meteors front office is furious after the Santo Domingo Palmchats announced they had traded starting pitcher Zuleide Rainha and right fielder Pio Seixas to the Rome Generals.

Reporters from the WBA Times planted a voice recorder on one of the coaches' assistants for the Meteors, and we obtained the audio recording of their meeting after the trade. Some highlights include GM Bob Weinberg cursing Palmchats GM Huck L. Berry for 4 minutes and 27 seconds. Weinberg also was furious at the target of the trade, saying "It's not only that we didn't get these guys. But Rome! Jesus. They were better than us last year, how the {redacted} are we supposed to compete with them now??"

Reports indicate that Melbourne had been counting on adding Rainha for a championship run, and are now scrambling to find a good replacement. Talks with a few other teams are rumored, but there's no evidence that Melbourne is anywhere close to finalizing a deal. Weinberg said "I mean, Kvana is ok I guess. But past him we have nobody. Like, I am supposed to win a {redacted} championship with {redacted} Yami Salehe? {redacted} that Huck."

Phil Crater
Phil Crater is a beat writer for the WBA Times, also called a report reporter. He has said that this job is "definitely not just watching the news and copying their stories".

Completed Trades / Re: Santo Domingo/Rome
« on: September 15, 2017, 05:22:27 AM »
Wow. Seixas too. I would have given a lot more

WBA Times / Offseason Update: Meteors getting trades started
« on: September 14, 2017, 03:37:48 PM »
MELBOURNE, Australia: The Melbourne Meteors are actively trying to get better and make a run at the championship. Reports have emerged, saying that the Meteors have agreed to a trade with the Singapore Merlions. According to the Melbourne Post, the World Baseball Network, and others, the Meteors have agreed to send shortstop prospect Christovan Serradas to Singapore in exchange for reliever Manny Juárez. After a slew of trades for more relievers, this trade takes analysts by surprise, as the speculation was that Melbourne would try to get a starter. The Melbourne Times has reported that GM Bob Weinberg is considering using Juárez as a starting pitcher. While this trade has not been confirmed by the league, Merlions GM R Beadle and Weinberg both spoke about the deal. Weinberg said "This deal appears to benefit both teams. Manny is a great pitcher." When asked whether he would consider using him at SP, he responded "Well, I will consider anything to make this team better."

Reports persist that the Meteors are engaged in talks with at least two other teams about starting pitchers. Many have pointed out that Santo Domingo Palmchats starter Zuleide Rainha seems to be a perfect fit for the team, but there have been no reports about discussions between Weinberg and Palmchats GM Huck L. Berry. Rumors are flying that the Meteors are pursuing Rainha as well as many other top tier pitchers from both the IBL and ABL.

Phil Crater

Phil Crater is a report-reporter. According to him, this job is "definitely not just reading other papers and copying their stories".

Completed Trades / Melbourne/Singapore
« on: September 13, 2017, 08:34:26 PM »
Singapore sends
RP Manny Juarez (ML)

Melbourne sends
SS Christovan Serradas (AA)

Trade Blocks and Discussions / Melbourne buying and selling picks
« on: September 13, 2017, 06:46:14 PM »
Ok, here's my trade block of picks!
I will give a 2nd and 5th for a 1st.
I will give a 3rd and 4th for a 1st.
I will give a 4th and 5th for 2nd.
I will give CF Gong Jiang (yes, he's heading into free agency, but if you have money he is signable) for a 1st and 2nd.
I will give CF prospect Heinrich Friedjung for a 1st and 3rd.
I will give a 2nd and 4th for a really good SP.

Anything else could be available. PM me to negotiate, or message me on Slack (I respond to both pretty quickly). Or post one of these, PM me, and I will confirm.

General WBA Discussion / Re: 2109-10 Arbitration Thread
« on: September 13, 2017, 03:12:51 PM »
Melbourne arb-releases Dave Mendoza

WBA Times / Meteors eye offseason after disappointing playoffs
« on: September 12, 2017, 08:21:30 PM »
The Melbourne Meteors, one year after winning the WBA championship, were eliminated from the playoffs in the first round, losing the series 4-1 to the Mumbai Cobras. Melbourne's offense played alright in the series, scoring 23 runs in 5 games (an average of 4.6 per game), but the pitching was terrible. The experiment of using reliever Irmazighen Kitur as a starter did not work, as Kitur gave up 5 runs on 6 hits through just 3 innings. So as Mumbai gears up to face Black Forest in the IBL Championships, Melbourne turns their eyes to the offseason.

Melbourne's first priority is to lock up some pending free agents. With closer Magtanggol Baladad, outfielder Gong Jiang, and relievers Sun-Woo Chong and Bereket Ainran scheduled to head into free agency, the Meteors need to move quickly to sign them to extensions. First baseman Sasha Matyushenko is also going to be a free agent, and rumors are surfacing that Melbourne plans to let him go. Matyushenko hit .312 last season, but he is 38 years old.

Depending on how the negotiations go, Melbourne might or might not have enough money to sign some free agents. The first and only obvious position of need for the Meteors is starting pitcher. After deciding not to pursue Serhat Karpat last year, Melbourne finds itself in desperate need of a SP with not much talent available. Karachi Falcons pitcher Kipchoge Kemboi's contract expires at the end of the year, and his name has been floated as a potential free agency target. Analysts have also speculated that a one-year contract aimed at Mumbai's aging closer Falco Venema might be a possibility.

Melbourne's future seems uncertain. Without a big signing, it seems unlikely that they can get back to the WBA Championships. However, they have the young bats to make a run, including shortstop Tamirat Sifiye, outfielder Bhuvanacandra Dwijen, and catcher Itri Jela. It certainly seems like the Meteors are just one or two good pitchers away from a championship run.

Meteoric Bob

Meteoric Bob is a beat writer for the WBA Times. He covers the Melbourne Meteors and the WBA.

WBA Times / Melbourne backs into playoffs
« on: September 11, 2017, 08:44:28 PM »
Well, it's a good thing the Meteors had built up such a big lead, because they have been absolutely terrible the last few games, going just 3-7 in the last 10 games of the season. A couple of key injuries will also hurt the Meteors in their quest for a repeat. Starting pitcher Yoshida Yamada, who went 11-8 with a 4.61 ERA, will miss the whole playoffs with a torn labrum. Left/center fielder Gong Jiang will miss 1-2 weeks with a sore elbow. This injury is not as bad as it seems, as it could give outfielders Botol Gamarra or Ze-Min Tsao a chance to shine. There have also been rumors that center fielder Percy Oskam will soon be replaced with Stéphane Salomon. Melbourne's real problem in the regular season has been pitching. After the injury to Yami Salehe, Melbourne's pitchers have been lackluster, with only Kvana Datar racking up an ERA of under 4. The injury to Yamada further hurts them in that department. Perhaps a reliever like Irmazighen Kitur or Bob Pérez will have to fill in as that 4th starter, or perhaps it will be SP Guo-Xiu Kang.

Melbourne's playoff opponent is their divisional rivals, the Mumbai Cobras. Led by starting pitcher Andy Stone, the Cobras are a tough first-round opponent. Melbourne has the home field advantage, but they need to win one of the first two games. If the Cobras are up 2-0 heading home, the series might not get back to Melbourne.

The Meteors' last second deals at the trade deadline haven't been working too well so far. Relievers Sergio Castillo, Himayati Ramkumar, and Bereket Ainran have only seen 4.0 innings total. Ainran especially is thought of as a good pickup, but if he doesn't play, they will never know.

-Meteoric Bob

"Meteoric Bob" is a beat writer for the WBA Times, covering the Melbourne Meteors

Completed Trades / Melbourne/Paris
« on: August 30, 2017, 08:04:04 PM »
Melbourne sends SP Ludovic Douay (A)
Paris sends RP Sergio Castillo (ML)

Completed Trades / Re: Melbourne / Black Forest trade.
« on: August 30, 2017, 08:00:11 PM »
Foxes send RPs Ainran and Ramkumar to Melbourne for a first-round pick in the 2110 rookie draft.
Confirmed! Wow, last second deals are stressful.

General WBA Discussion / Re: Draft Picks Study
« on: August 25, 2017, 10:40:42 AM »
You know, I really do think picks from later rounds should be able to be traded. If you think about it, a 6th-round pick in a ten person league is basically a late second round pick in the MLB. I know the WBA is different, but maybe we should consider expanding it a little, just to 6th and 7th or something.

General WBA Discussion / Re: Draft Picks Study
« on: August 22, 2017, 07:55:53 PM »
So I think I should trade my 5th round pick for a 6th round pick, right? The numbers say so. :)

Trade Blocks and Discussions / Re: 2109 Cash Maximum Thread
« on: August 11, 2017, 04:30:25 PM »
You're not gonna see Melbourne on that list for a while :)

General WBA Discussion / Re: IBL 2108-09 Hot Stove Discussion Thread
« on: July 31, 2017, 06:41:28 PM »
Oh... I am now second. $#%@ it Mumbai!!

Season and Off-Season Threads / Re: 2108-09 Offseason Thread
« on: July 30, 2017, 05:38:21 PM »
I have a league that runs a ton of live sims using S+. It is really cool when done right, super excited!!!

Amateur Drafts / Re: 2109 Amateur Drafts
« on: July 19, 2017, 11:16:26 AM »
Please add me!

General WBA Discussion / Re: IBL 2108-09 Hot Stove Discussion Thread
« on: July 18, 2017, 11:23:19 AM »
Wow, great write-up. You hit it right on with Melbourne, great hitting no pitching. I will say it again, if anyone wants OF please message me!

General WBA Discussion / Re: ABL 2108-09 Hot Stove Discussion Thread
« on: July 15, 2017, 05:14:48 PM »
These are great! WIll you do them for IBL too?

Completed Trades / Re: Singapore - Melbourne Trade
« on: July 14, 2017, 07:58:28 PM »
Singapore sends
Ashenafi Manzi and 8 Mil cash

Melbourne sends
4th round draft pick in upcoming draft
Melbourne confirms!

Trade Blocks and Discussions / Melbourne looking for SP
« on: July 14, 2017, 05:20:19 PM »
Melbourne is looking for a good SP. Have a surplus of OF, I could really move any of them except Dwijen, but I would prefer to move Jiang or Salomon. Jiang really is a great player, could instantly help a team needing an OF. Salomon has the ratings, didn't have a great year last year but he was hurt. I would swap Jiang for a star SP. Salomon plus a third round pick for a star SP. Anyone else over 26 can be had, but I want a SP. Make me an offer!

Season and Off-Season Threads / Re: 2108-09 Offseason Thread
« on: July 13, 2017, 07:18:16 AM »
Anyone else see how Sao Paulo and Rio had different records but the same games back?

Season and Off-Season Threads / Re: 2108 Season Thread
« on: July 10, 2017, 12:34:28 PM »
I agree with Mumbai, doesn't seem fair that some bug made them not able to play in the tiebreaker and lose the higher draft pick because of it.

General WBA Discussion / Re: 2108-09 Arbitration Thread
« on: July 10, 2017, 07:09:56 AM »
Please release Balanatha Venkatadri and Nafwal Abdul-Nasser. We don't have to release them in game right?

General WBA Discussion / Re: 2108-09 Arbitration Thread
« on: June 29, 2017, 10:57:40 AM »
Ok sounds good, thanks!

General WBA Discussion / Re: 2108-09 Arbitration Thread
« on: June 29, 2017, 08:22:39 AM »
Huck I'm leaving for ten days in a few hours, no internet. Will I still be able to do releases once I get back?

Season and Off-Season Threads / Re: 2108 Season Thread
« on: June 27, 2017, 09:35:40 PM »
Mumbai is out. I have no idea why but if you look in pennant chase, they have a 0.0% chance and the other teams have about 50% each.

Owner Vacations / Meteors going away
« on: June 26, 2017, 09:38:32 PM »
I will be away from 6-29 to 7-9. I'll miss the IBL championship so fingers crossed!

Constitutional Amendments / Re: WBA Salary Arbitration
« on: May 29, 2017, 08:31:59 PM »
Agreed. Should be for 2108 season.

Trade Blocks and Discussions / Re: 2108 Cash Maximum Thread
« on: May 29, 2017, 08:31:10 PM »
You won't see the Meteors on any of these! So in debt right now. If anyone wants to send me some of this extra cash I'm all ears! ;D

Off-Topic / Slack Chat Room
« on: May 25, 2017, 12:43:10 PM »
Hi everyone! I have created a Slack chatroom for anyone who wants to join. Here is the link:

This will only work for one week after today (May 25) so if you want to join after, please PM me and I will get you set up.

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