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Messages - sumhzrd

Pages: [1]
Completed Trades / Re: Rio / Carolina
« on: April 01, 2019, 12:38:39 PM »

WBA Times / Re: Early Look at 2117-18 Free Agency Budgets
« on: March 04, 2019, 06:02:45 PM »
I just agreed to take over the Carolina franchise...I had to read pretty far down this list to find my number.  It has the wrong sign!!

Season and Off-Season Threads / Re: 2106 Season Thread
« on: January 08, 2017, 09:03:35 PM »
Echo, I agree that the $50M cash limit makes sense.  And Huck's suggestion of a reminder notice of which teams are bumping up against the limit is a good one For me the simplest approach is to set a max cash amount that can be exchanged for a draft pick.

If you trade away a draft pick or a minor league prospect, the max cash coming back to you can be:

1st round  / 5 potential stars    $8M'
2nd round / 4 potential stars    $5M
3rd round / 3 potential stars     $3M
4th round / 2 potential stars     $2M
5th round / 1 potential star       $1M
6th round or lower   $500K for each pick.

these numbers are examples to promote discussion, but the main thing I think we need to accomplish is to set a reasonable max price for a draft pick that comes close to approximating the value to a typical seller of draft picks.  If I can get $25M for a 3rd and 4th, that's a no brainer.  If I can only get $5M, then maybe that's close to approximate market value, that I consider holding on to my picks, or including other players in the deal.  At these levels, it also opens up the market for that excess cash to more teams that are willing to unload picks.  $25M doesn't end up in just one team's lap.  We give the owner unloading cash an incentive to search out multiple trading partners to unload the full amount of his excess.

Season and Off-Season Threads / Re: 2106 Season Thread
« on: January 08, 2017, 07:01:35 PM »
I know that the recent trades of large sums of excess cash for draft picks are well within the rules, but I don't think these transactions are good for the health and competitive balance of the league. No two competitive teams withg cash balances below $50M are going to complete a trade of a 3rd and 4th round pick for $25M, which is essentially ~50% of an average teams budget.  The value of these mid-round picks, especially from good teams is nowhere near that valuable, These are not transactions where two teams are exchanging assets of similar value with a joint expectation that both teams might end up better off.  These only happen except when one team has accumulated a huge amount of cash, above an arbitrary limt that risks being valueless after the trade deadline.  Which ever team ends up winning the bidding war for such a cash infusion gains a very large long-term competitive advantage.

I think the spirit of the rule limiting cash balances to $50M is to encourage owners to spend money to be competitive, but without other anti-tanking or minimum spending rules in place, we're developing a pattern of transactions with hugely lopsided values being exchanged.

We could address this in a few ways, including one or more of the following:

- eliminate trades that involve cash sums over some more modest limit?
- set a schedule of maximum cash values that can be acquired in exchange for draft picks in a given round   - $10M for 1st round / $7M for 2nd round, etc
- conduct an open reverse auction when an owner with > $50M wants to disburse excess cash for picks or players
- bar transactions where one team is getting only cash; instead, any excess balance over the $50M limit would be distributed equally to all other teams in the league

I believe this is an important topic that needs to be addressed between now and the start of the upcoming offseason.


Season and Off-Season Threads / Re: 2106 Season Thread
« on: January 06, 2017, 02:54:53 PM »
Sao Paulo's park factors for AVG, Doubles and Triples go along way toward explaining the offensive numbers there, don't you think?

General WBA Discussion / Re: Opt outs
« on: December 17, 2016, 06:43:18 AM »
We have not gotten rid of option years, to the best of my knowledge.   The constitution still includes an amendment that stipulates that club-offered option years must include a buyout clause of 25% or more.

I would not be in favor of an amendment to eliminate them.  If you find them to be a nuisance, don't offer them, as some owners have indicated.  But they are a typical part of contracts in professional baseball, which we are simulating.

See attachments

Season and Off-Season Threads / Re: 2105 Season Thread
« on: October 19, 2016, 04:01:27 AM »
I've been travelling abroad for a while, so I'm a little late in weighing in on the topic of offseason adjustments.   I'm OK either way - adjusted or not. 

One influence that could be at play here that I haven't seen discussed in other posts is park factors.  I know my park is definitely big, and definitely favors pitchers. I never really chose these factors intentionally in 2001, and have not changed them since. If the average park is big (with park factors << 1.000),  we'll see depressed offense.   For reasons unrelated to this overall issue, I'm planning on adjusting my park factors throughout my minors, and probably also at the ML level this offseason to factors that are closer to neutral

Completed Trades / Re: London/Santo Domingo
« on: September 30, 2016, 09:37:41 PM »
I'm slow on the uptake.  Did London make two trades of $20M for draft picks to both Paris and Santo Domingo?   

Season and Off-Season Threads / Re: Championship Pennants
« on: August 20, 2016, 10:28:31 AM »
I like the way my page looks!

Season and Off-Season Threads / Re: 2105 Season Thread
« on: August 20, 2016, 10:27:10 AM »
The preseason predictions are interesting.  I don't think my pitching is going to be as strong as it has been, but I'd be willing to bet a 6 pack of VB that Brisbane will finish less than 24 games ahead of the Merlions

Constitutional Amendments / Re: Player Opt-outs
« on: August 08, 2016, 07:57:54 PM »
No way I would agree to void existing opt outs.  I've steered clear of offering them, and I see no reason to amend existing contracts to void this feature.  If you want to turn them off going forward, I would be Ok with that, as at least we are all operating under the same rules and assumptions going forward

General WBA Discussion / Re: OOTP 17
« on: April 20, 2016, 10:02:52 PM »
I also have it, so can convert at any time.

Season and Off-Season Threads / Re: 2103 Season Thread
« on: February 25, 2016, 05:41:14 PM »
Not sure I've ever seen the AI bat a pitcher 5th, no matter how mangled my preset lineup might have been

Season and Off-Season Threads / Re: 2101-2102 Offseason Thread
« on: December 09, 2015, 05:42:30 PM »
I'm certainly not complaining, and don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, but how is Montez Molinari 27-4 lifetime,  with this set of ratings?

Last year, I figured it was a one season aberration, but he's actually had even better results this year.  Curious to get your feedback....

Season and Off-Season Threads / Re: 2101 Season Thread
« on: September 20, 2015, 08:47:13 PM »
I've got Darchiev, who was with Mumbai, Kum is with Paris, Ermolov who is with Lagos, lots of 1 star minor leaguers on my ML roster.

If you look at the 40 man roster table, you can see what teams the players came from.  It looks pretty darn random, with players from every level and many many teams

Season and Off-Season Threads / Negative Cash Balances
« on: August 03, 2015, 09:17:34 PM »
What happens when a team finishes the season with a negative cash balance?

Season and Off-Season Threads / Re: 2100-2101 Offseason Thread
« on: July 20, 2015, 09:57:16 PM »
Thanks, Huck.  The adjustments and decisions you've made are all reasonable.

Is it correct that the limits on annual increases and decreases of no more than 10% apply only to the 2nd and subsequent years of the new contract?  And that the increase we can offer for 2101 can exceed 110% of what the player was paid last year?

Example:  Garreth Pollock earned 230K in 2100.  His new owner can offer him $10M for 2101, and then a range of $9M - $11m IN 2102.

Season and Off-Season Threads / Re: 2100-2101 Offseason Thread
« on: July 17, 2015, 10:36:03 AM »
Welcome aboard!  This is my first league as well.

Constitutional Amendments / Re: playoff and offseason pacing
« on: June 30, 2015, 01:17:06 PM »
Nightly sims work for me.

I'd prefer to assign the role of Stopper, rather than Closer.  I haven't figured out how to enable that option in WBA.  Is that possible?

1) Roster / lineup changes that I included in my exports for the two spring Training sims didn't take.  My original export was sucessful in establishing lineups, but subsequent changes have not taken.  No error messages or warnings on export.  Is there a set of specific steps that I need to take to ensure that all my changes are in fact saved in my export file?

2) Am able to access only 3 or 4 box scores from my Front Office / Schedule page.  All other games get an error message:  "File not found;  Theis report is not available;  Check the Auto-Save Box Score / Game Log Options in the Game Setup area to see if your settings are preventing this report from being generated."  But the Game/Game Settings menu option is unavailable / greyed out for me.  Any secret here?  All other reports that I've accessed so far seem are working correctly...

BTW, I'm also seeing the blank news items that APMP reported in chat.

Season and Off-Season Threads / Re: 2099-2100 Offseason Thread
« on: April 23, 2015, 06:01:00 PM »
3 contracts for review:

Ju Yi Lee   4.5 stars  4 years at 9.0M each
Li-xue Zhao  2 stars  1 year at 2.8M
Tessfalfe Dibia  1 star  3 years at 1.2M / 1.3M / 1.3M

Constitutional Amendments / Re: The Amendment Procedure Itself
« on: April 23, 2015, 01:02:27 PM »
put it up for a vote.....and hire a parliamentarian.

Constitutional Amendments / Re: Contract Options and Incentives
« on: April 23, 2015, 01:01:14 PM »
I have no issue with your proposal.

Season and Off-Season Threads / Re: 2099-2100 Offseason Thread
« on: April 22, 2015, 04:42:10 PM »
my accounts data originally waent into the settings folder with a (1) at the end because i already had one in the download folder i had to erase the (1) for it to work
Fair enough i havent seen any examples just dont wanna see guys who drafted above their means being given free passes

With just the knowledge that a $50 M salary cap would be in effect after the draft, How exactly are guys to have know that they were "drafting above their means", while still reasonably pursuing the objective of drafting as good a team as possible.  It would be one thing if we could see players contract expectations at the time of the draft, or if we had a rule of thumb, like the one time rule that Huck proposed, in advance of the draft.  But in the absence of any clues about the specific financial implications of drafting any particular player, how can anybody be guilty of drafting beyond their means?

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