BUENOS AIRES -- Reports of massive demonstrations are coming from in from all over Argentina. Chants of "Bo-ye" "Let him pitch" and the notably less rhythmic "2-4-6-8 no taxpayer money for the new stadium where they deploy a skull-softening chemical" have been deafening outside of The Palace of the Argentine National Congress. Videos have gone viral of Jorge Lopez being burned in effigy at several of the demonstrations.
Protest crowds outside Congress
This is a situation we are continuing to monitor live on the ground.
Will Boye pitch game 3? Will he be traded?
Will the stadium be built?
Will the team be moved?
Will the skulls, like, just completely, like, turn into mush, or, like, how does that work, exactly? Like how soft do they really get?
These questions and more will be answered in coming days, as so much now hangs in the balance for a Buenos Aires Dolphins club that is hours (kinda) away from hosting game one of the ABLDS vs. the Northwest Emeralds.
-Dan Farnell
Dan Farnell is the beat writer for the Buenos Aires Dolphins. He really just wants to get on the right side of this one. Not, like, the right side of history, but, like, the right side for him on a personal and professional basis.