Just for fun, every now and then I like to check to see how teams are doing with regard to balancing their budgets. Here's a list showing each WBA team with its payroll (in millions), its budget (in millions) and its balance (in millions). The teams are listed from best budget situation to worst. Being in the black means of course that your team is spending less on payroll than its budget, so the team is turning a profit. Being in the red means that your team is spending more on payroll than its budget, so the team is losing money. Tokyo wins the "hey, big spender" award this year, spending more than $22 million more than it is projected to earn.
This is as of April 18, 2135.
payroll budget result
Nairobi 6.622m 41.339m in the black 34.717m
El Paso 18.687m 39.317m in the black 20.630m
Havana 29.029m 45.731m in the black 16.702m
Mexico City 41.977m 46.664m in the black 4.687m
Daegu 36.031m 40.317m in the black 4.286m
Black Forest 53.698m 57.478m in the black 3.780m
Puerto Rico 38.565m 40.767m in the black 2.202m
Beijing 59.813m 60.700m in the black 0.887m
Sao Paulo 53.651m 54.096m in the black 0.445m
Rome 44.726m 44.589m IN THE RED 0.137m
Rocky Mtn 58.363m 57.456m IN THE RED 0.907m
Phoenix 48.949m 45.641m IN THE RED 3.308m
Rio 65.027m 60.006m IN THE RED 5.021m
Oslo 59.676m 47.837m IN THE RED 11.839m
Melbourne 57.962m 45.883m IN THE RED 12.079m
Los Angeles 62.706m 49.917m IN THE RED 12.789m
Santo Domingo 68.408m 55.050m IN THE RED 13.358m
Karachi 70.672m 55.343m IN THE RED 15.329m
Paris 68.525m 53.041m IN THE RED 15.484m
Tokyo 69.557m 47.208m IN THE RED 22.349m