I am thinking of putting up for a vote a change to the amendment procedure itself. The current rule requires 2/3 of existing owners to submit a YES vote in order for an amendment to pass. What I think I will propose is that an amendment passes if either of the following two criteria are met:
a. 2/3 of existing owners vote YES
b. 4/5 of submitted votes are YES
and that all amendment votes have a one week time limit.
That way an amendment can pass if the vast majority of the league (or at least the members that care) are in favor even if some of the members don't vote. If the voting is 8-2 then the amendment passes. 8-3 then no go. 13-7 is still no and 14-6 is still yes. I first considered this because our first amendment was stuck at 9-0, then 11-0, then 13-0 while I pestered people to vote. Clearly the league wanted the rule.
Any thoughts or should I just put it up for a vote? Of course this amendment must pass by the original amendment procedure.