While we're throwing out ideas, here's a dramatic one ... why not just do away with free agency in the WBA? After all, free agency isn't handled very well in OOTP. Very few good players reach free agency. Those who do receive insane contract offers, and then instead of taking the best offer they just seem to choose one randomly. It's a mess, so I'm inclined to just get rid of it. Set up a tiered salary structure instead. That would allow teams to keep their best players as long as they want, provided that the team is willing and able to pay the players the salaries they deserve according to the tiered system. Would make team-building more structured, less chaotic. I know I'm probably going to start a firestorm with this suggestion but I think it would resolve a lot of the problems we're seeing (the free agency problems, contract extension problems, etc.). Let's think outside the box and explore all options. OOTP doesn't provide a good financial system; we need to recognize that and make improvements.