a - A. Niazi pinch hit for A. Pareja in the 9th
b - F. bin Wazir substituted for A. Niazi in the 9th
c - J. Cristofolini pinch hit for J. Trevino in the 10th
d - S. Zumaya pinch hit for D. Cubrilovic in the 10th
e - C. Serrano pinch hit for G. Pals in the 10th
f - R. Lundgren substituted for J. Cristofolini in the 10th
g - J. Gernale pinch hit for B. bin Seif in the 11th
h - F. Roger substituted for J. Gernale in the 11th
i - M. Núñez pinch hit for D. Melerovich in the 13th
j - F. Aragón pinch hit for F. Roger in the 14th
k - M. Hayagawa pinch hit for F. bin Wazir in the 14th
l - P. Martin substituted for M. Hayagawa in the 14th
m - D. Park pinch hit for F. Bermani in the 15th
n - D. Guang pinch hit for J. Miranda in the 17th
K. Guang
(11, 16th Inning off T. Bernier, 0 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
K. Guang
P. Martin
A. Sakiev
M. Rivea
R. Lundgren
C. Serrano
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
A. Pareja
M. Rivea
C. Serrano
Sac Bunt:
H. Yun
Team LOB:
M. Rivea
a - J. Yang pinch hit for F. Langfeldt in the 7th
b - C. Ramírez pinch hit for C. Martínez in the 8th
c - H. Due pinch hit for F. Riou in the 10th
d - R. Kimura pinch hit for D. Wright in the 10th
e - M. Ekevu pinch hit for J. Kao in the 10th
f - I. Felisberto substituted for H. Due in the 11th
g - T. Bakke pinch hit for R. Montalvo in the 12th
h - R. Baig pinch hit for B. Murphy in the 14th
i - K. Bourguiba pinch hit for S. Usaama in the 15th
j - E. Tippold substituted for K. Bourguiba in the 16th
k - M. Ramírez pinch hit for T. Bernier in the 16th
Home Runs:
B. Frondarina
(6, 16th Inning off J. Miranda, 0 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
C. Ramírez
W. Zhang
A. Chin
B. Frondarina
F. Langfeldt
J. Yang
R. Kimura
M. Ekevu
2-out RBI:
A. Chin
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
C. Ramírez
A. Chin
L. Estarellas
M. Ekevu
Sac Bunt:
J. Yang
M. Ekevu
Team LOB: